SDG In (AUIQ) 15- الحياة على الأرض

كلية الهندسة في جامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

كلية الهندسة في جامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

كلية الهندسة بجامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

كلية الهندسة بجامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

Al -Ayen University Articles on the Sustainable Development Goal (15-Life on land)

No. Title 
1Survey of ground beetles inhabiting agricultural crops in south-east Kazakhstan [Levantamento de besouros terrestres que habitam plantações agrícolas no sudeste do Cazaquistão]
2Agrobiological evaluations of newly introduced grapes varieties under climatic conditions of the south of Kazakhstan [Avaliações agrobiológicas de variedades de uvas recém-introduzidas sob as condições climáticas do sul do Cazaquistão]
3Long-term trend analysis of extreme climate in Sarawak tropical peatland under the influence of climate change
4Leveraging microalgae utilization for anthropogenic CO2 emission abatement in Malaysian urban centre: Revisiting the sustainable development goal (SDG-13)
5An integrated GIS-based multivariate adaptive regression splines-cat swarm optimization for improving the accuracy of wildfire susceptibility mapping
6Environmental Impacts of the Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the Context of Globalization
7Projecting spatiotemporal changes of precipitation and temperature in Iraq for different shared socioeconomic pathways with selected Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6
8Coupled data pre-processing approach with data intelligence models for monthly precipitation forecasting
9Farasan Island of Saudi Arabia confronts the measurable impacts of global warming in 45 years
10Computational assessment of groundwater salinity distribution within coastal multi-aquifers of Bangladesh
11Cyanobacteria blue-green algae prediction enhancement using hybrid machine learning–based gamma test variable selection and empirical wavelet transform
12Design of low-energy buildings in densely populated urban areas based on IoT
13Modulatory role of dietary curcumin and resveratrol on growth performance, serum immunity responses, mucus enzymes activity, antioxidant capacity and serum and mucus biochemicals in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio exposed to abamectin
14Effects of water shortage on food legume crops
15Trypsin-based diet for the growth indices of Spanish mackerel
16Practice of intercropping and its impact on legume productivity in Egypt
17Investigating the relationship between land alteration and the urban heat island of Seville city using multi-temporal Landsat data
18Multi-step daily forecasting of reference evapotranspiration for different climates of India: A modern multivariate complementary technique reinforced with ridge regression feature selection
19Delineation of urban expansion influences urban heat islands and natural environment using remote sensing and GIS-based in industrial area
20Assessment of Urban Green Space Dynamics Influencing the Surface Urban Heat Stress Using Advanced Geospatial Techniques
21Forecasting Daily Flood Water Level Using Hybrid Advanced Machine Learning Based Time-Varying Filtered Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach
22Households’ perceptions and socio-economic determinants of climate change awareness: Evidence from Selangor Coast Malaysia
23Effects of Irrigation Method and Water Flow Rate on Irrigation Performance, Soil Salinity, Yield, and Water Productivity of Cauliflower
24Delineation of urban expansion and drought-prone areas using vegetation conditions and other geospatial indices
25Corruption in Public Offices: A Way to Reduce Corrupt Practices
26Forecasting weekly reference evapotranspiration using Auto Encoder Decoder Bidirectional LSTM model hybridized with a Boruta-CatBoost input optimizer
27Long-term multi-step ahead forecasting of root zone soil moisture in different climates: Novel ensemble-based complementary data-intelligent paradigms
28Protective effects of dietary Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) essential oil against Malathion-induced toxicity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
29Groundwater level prediction using machine learning models: A comprehensive review
30Distributed Hydrological Model Based on Machine Learning Algorithm: Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Floods
31Delineating the Crop-Land Dynamic due to Extreme Environment Using Landsat Datasets: A Case Study
32The impact of climate change on land degradation along with shoreline migration in Ghoramara Island, India
33Effect of land use land cover changes on land surface temperature during 1984–2020: a case study of Baghdad city using landsat image
34Predictability performance enhancement for suspended sediment in rivers: Inspection of newly developed hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy system model
35Development of new computational machine learning models for longitudinal dispersion coefficient determination: case study of natural streams, United States
36Temporal dynamic drought interpretation of Sawa Lake: case study located at the Southern Iraqi region
37Reference evapotranspiration prediction using high-order response surface method
38On the prediction of methane fluxes from pristine tropical peatland in Sarawak: application of a denitrification–decomposition (DNDC) model
39Assessing the Efficiency of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithms to Quantify Wheat Characteristics in the Nile Delta Region of Egypt
40Comparison of machine learning techniques for predicting porosity of chalk
41Impact of pollution caused by salmon breeding centers on river water quality
42Plant secondary metabolites as defenses: A review
43An Analysis of Urban Block Initiatives Influencing Energy Consumption and Solar Energy Absorption
44Megacities’ environmental assessment for Iraq region using satellite image and geo-spatial tools
45Analyze Urban Area Density As A Measure of Urban Reconstruction
46Effects of global warming on insect behaviour in agriculture
47Noise pollution in rail transport. Case study: Baghdad subway
48Analyzing food production risk with Monte Carlo simulation
49Study on herbicide residues in soybean processing based on UPLC-MS/MS detection
50Evaluation of food processing with the management of food, water, and energy nexus in Baghdad, Iraq
51Environmental and Energy Efficiency as a Criterion for Sustainable Agriculture
52Investigation of parameters in restaurant food waste for use as poultry rations
53Deep learning versus gradient boosting machine for pan evaporation prediction
54Integration of extreme gradient boosting feature selection approach with machine learning models: application of weather relative humidity prediction
55Projection of agricultural water stress for climate change scenarios: A regional case study of Iraq
56Deep Learning for Prediction of Water Quality Index Classification: Tropical Catchment Environmental Assessment
57Improving streamflow prediction using a new hybrid ELM model combined with hybrid particle swarm optimization and grey wolf optimization
58Drought variability and characteristics in the muda river basin of malaysia from 1985 to 2019
59Functionalization of remote sensing and on-site data for simulating surface water dissolved oxygen: Development of hybrid tree-based artificial intelligence models
60Designing low-cost capacitive-based soil moisture sensor and smart monitoring unit operated by solar cells for greenhouse irrigation management
61An insight into machine learning models era in simulating soil, water bodies and adsorption heavy metals: Review, challenges and solutions
62River water level prediction in coastal catchment using hybridized relevance vector machine model with improved grasshopper optimization
63The development of evolutionary computing model for simulating reference evapotranspiration over Peninsular Malaysia
64Estimation of natural streams longitudinal dispersion coefficient using hybrid evolutionary machine learning model
65Proposition of New Ensemble Data-Intelligence Models for Surface Water Quality Prediction
66Improving daily stochastic stream flow prediction: comparison of novel hybrid data-mining algorithms
67Total Dissolved Salt Prediction Using Neurocomputing Models: Case Study of Gypsum Soil within Iraq Region
68Evaluating the Distribution of Health Services in Nasiriyah City by Utilizing Geomatics Techniques
69Measurements The Concentration of Heavy Elements in Soil and Irrigation Water for Wheat Farms in Wasit Governorate
70Estimating the Concentration of Heavy Elements in Some Types of Imported and Local Wheat Flour used in Bakeries of Wasit Governorate
71The seismic evidence of passively evolving Messinian Salt in the Offshore Syria
عدد الزوار اليوم : 6841 زائر
عدد الزوار الكلي : 10783085 زائر