SDG In (AUIQ) 11- المدن والمجتمعات المستدامة

كلية الهندسة في جامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

كلية الهندسة في جامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

كلية الهندسة بجامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

كلية الهندسة بجامعة العين العراقية تقوم بحملة تشجير للمدارس

نشاط طلابي

كتاب تثمين جهود الطلبة المشاركين في مهرجان فسلجة الامراض

نشاط طلابي

اقام نشاط طلابي لاصفي (معرض بوسترات علمية ) لطلاب المرحلة الثانية

نشاط طلابي لاصفي معرض بوسترات علمية 

معرض رسم

اقامت كلية الصيدلة معرضها الاول للرسم بمشاركة عدد من الطلبة من المراحل المختلفة

المعرض الاول للرسم في كلية الصيدلة

نشاط طلابي

اقامة نشاط طلابي لاصفي (Physiology & Pathophysiology Student event ) في يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 20/11/2022

نشاط طلابي لاصفي

نشاط طلابي لاصفي

حفل ذكرى ولادة الرسول الاعظم (ص)

اقامت جامعة العين حفلا بهيجا بذكرى ولادة الرسول الاعظم  (ص) بحضور عميد كلية طب الاسنان ومدير قسم النشاطات الطلابية

حفل ذكرى ولادة الرسول الاعظم

نشاط طلابي لاصفي

Al -Ayen University Articles on the Sustainable Development Goal (11-Sustainable cities and communities)

No. Title 
1Agrobiological evaluations of newly introduced grapes varieties under climatic conditions of the south of Kazakhstan [Avaliações agrobiológicas de variedades de uvas recém-introduzidas sob as condições climáticas do sul do Cazaquistão]
2Deep clustering of cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning to optimize multi chiller HVAC systems for smart buildings energy management
3Modeling and Optimizing the Charge of Electric Vehicles with Genetic Algorithm in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
4Solamen Vaillanti Mollusk Powder as an Efficient Biosorbent for Removing Cobalt Ions from Aqueous Solution: Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies
5Leveraging microalgae utilization for anthropogenic CO2 emission abatement in Malaysian urban centre: Revisiting the sustainable development goal (SDG-13)
6An integrated GIS-based multivariate adaptive regression splines-cat swarm optimization for improving the accuracy of wildfire susceptibility mapping
7How the government and private sectors in Egypt contribute to the country's environmental issues (An environmental economic approach)
8Optimizing the Interaction Between Two Closed-Loop Supply Chains Based on Inverse Logistics Using the Game Theory Method
9Effects of Various Irrigation Levels and Biochar-Based Fertilizers on Peanut Production
10Graph neural network for integrated water network partitioning and dynamic district metered areas
11Dispersive solid phase microextraction based on magnesium oxide nanoparticles for preconcentration of auramine O and methylene blue from water samples
12Computational assessment of groundwater salinity distribution within coastal multi-aquifers of Bangladesh
13Coupled online sequential extreme learning machine model with ant colony optimization algorithm for wheat yield prediction
14An improved adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system model using conjoined metaheuristic algorithms for electrical conductivity prediction
15Thermal analysis of hydration process in the vicinity of the Copper matrix using molecular dynamics simulation for application in thermal engineering
16Design of low-energy buildings in densely populated urban areas based on IoT
17Investigating the effect of smoking on the incidence of internal diseases (A review paper)
18Modulatory role of dietary curcumin and resveratrol on growth performance, serum immunity responses, mucus enzymes activity, antioxidant capacity and serum and mucus biochemicals in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio exposed to abamectin
19Theoretical analysis for miscellaneous soliton waves in metamaterials model by modification of analytical solutions
20Polymeric nanocomposite membranes for gas separation: Performance, applications, restrictions and future perspectives
21Investigating the relationship between land alteration and the urban heat island of Seville city using multi-temporal Landsat data
22Mesoporous high-surface-area activated carbon from biomass waste via microwave-assisted-H3PO4 activation for methylene blue dye adsorption: An optimized process
23Multi-step daily forecasting of reference evapotranspiration for different climates of India: A modern multivariate complementary technique reinforced with ridge regression feature selection
24The effect of green belt as an environmentally friendly approach on energy consumption reduction in buildings
25Delineation of urban expansion influences urban heat islands and natural environment using remote sensing and GIS-based in industrial area
26Hub Location-allocation in Computer-based Networks under Disruption Using Whale Optimization Algorithm
27Optimizing the Complex Systems Reliability Using Mixed Strategy in Ultra-fast Gas Turbine Protection System
28Assessment of Urban Green Space Dynamics Influencing the Surface Urban Heat Stress Using Advanced Geospatial Techniques
29Forecasting Daily Flood Water Level Using Hybrid Advanced Machine Learning Based Time-Varying Filtered Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach
30SDN-assisted technique for traffic control and information execution in vehicular adhoc networks
31Earth skin temperature long-term prediction using novel extended Kalman filter integrated with Artificial Intelligence models and information gain feature selection
32Households’ perceptions and socio-economic determinants of climate change awareness: Evidence from Selangor Coast Malaysia
33Delineation of urban expansion and drought-prone areas using vegetation conditions and other geospatial indices
34Effects of short-term exposure to the heavy metal, nickel chloride (Nicl2) on gill histology and osmoregulation components of the gray mullet, Mugil cephalus
35Integrated approach to evaluate unstable rocky slopes: case study of Aqabat Al-Sulbat road in Aseer Province, Saudi Arabia
36Corruption in Public Offices: A Way to Reduce Corrupt Practices
37Detection of Salmonella spp. By Traditional and PCR Assays in Raw Milk, Maysan, Iraq
38Long-term multi-step ahead forecasting of root zone soil moisture in different climates: Novel ensemble-based complementary data-intelligent paradigms
39Surface water sodium (Na+) concentration prediction using hybrid weighted exponential regression model with gradient-based optimization
40Groundwater level prediction using machine learning models: A comprehensive review
41Distributed Hydrological Model Based on Machine Learning Algorithm: Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Floods
42Delineating the Crop-Land Dynamic due to Extreme Environment Using Landsat Datasets: A Case Study
43Retraction Note to: On the prediction of methane fluxes from pristine tropical peatland in Sarawak: application of a denitrification–decomposition (DNDC) model (Environmental Science and Pollution Research,(2022),29,(30724–30738), 10.1007/s11356-021-17917-1)
44Effect of land use land cover changes on land surface temperature during 1984–2020: a case study of Baghdad city using landsat image
45Predictability performance enhancement for suspended sediment in rivers: Inspection of newly developed hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy system model
46Comprehensive comparison of various machine learning algorithms for short-term ozone concentration prediction
47Integrative artificial intelligence models for Australian coastal sediment lead prediction: An investigation of in-situ measurements and meteorological parameters effects
48Development of new computational machine learning models for longitudinal dispersion coefficient determination: case study of natural streams, United States
49Investigation of the Geotechnical Properties and Estimation of the Relative Density from the Standard Penetration Test in Sandy Soils (Case Study: North East of Iran)
50Temporal dynamic drought interpretation of Sawa Lake: case study located at the Southern Iraqi region
51Reference evapotranspiration prediction using high-order response surface method
52Optimization and design of machine learning computational technique for prediction of physical separation process
53On the prediction of methane fluxes from pristine tropical peatland in Sarawak: application of a denitrification–decomposition (DNDC) model
54Implementation of AdaBoost and genetic algorithm machine learning models in prediction of adsorption capacity of nanocomposite materials
55River water turbidity removal using new natural coagulant aids: case study of Euphrates River, Iraq
56Green synthesis of RGO-ZnO mediated Ocimum basilicum leaves extract nanocomposite for antioxidant, antibacterial, antidiabetic and photocatalytic activity
57Boosted artificial intelligence model using improved alpha-guided grey wolf optimizer for groundwater level prediction: Comparative study and insight for federated learning technology
58Mutating fuzzy logic model with various rigorous meta-heuristic algorithms for soil moisture content estimation
59A new insight for real-time wastewater quality prediction using hybridized kernel-based extreme learning machines with advanced optimization algorithms
60Comparison of machine learning techniques for predicting porosity of chalk
61Daily scale evapotranspiration prediction over the coastal region of southwest Bangladesh: new development of artificial intelligence model
62Impact of pollution caused by salmon breeding centers on river water quality
63Analyzing the role of environmental citizenship in addressing consequences of climate change from a social perspective
64An Analysis of Urban Block Initiatives Influencing Energy Consumption and Solar Energy Absorption
65Megacities’ environmental assessment for Iraq region using satellite image and geo-spatial tools
66Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Respiratory Diseases and the Risk Factors Related to Cancer
67Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Properties of Soil Samples in Waste Disposal Site, Suq Al-Shyokh, Iraq
68Analyze Urban Area Density As A Measure of Urban Reconstruction
69Genetic Diagnosis of Entamoeba Histolytica in Patients with Acute Diarrhea in AL-Rifai City/Thi-Qar province
70Determining the parameters of noise pollution in the central area of the Almaty city in Kazakhstan
71Noise pollution in rail transport. Case study: Baghdad subway
72The Impact of Knowledge-based Economy on the Economic Growth of Middle Eastern Countries
73Evaluating the hydrophilic antioxidant capacity in different citrus genotypes
74The deciphering of the immune cells and marker signature in COVID-19 pathogenesis: An update
75Improved Fitness-Dependent Optimizer for Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem
76A Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for the Population-Based Transportation Network Planning
77Cloud computing and IoT integration for health checking system
78An Investigation for Heavy Metals' Contamination in Farmers' Fingernails: Case Study in Libya
79A GIS-based Network Analysis for Truck Vehicles in Baghdad's City Road Network
80Evaluation of food processing with the management of food, water, and energy nexus in Baghdad, Iraq
81Integration of Multiple Models with Hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm for Soil Cation-Exchange Capacity Prediction
82The role of fat-producing yeasts in reducing food industry waste
83Copper (II) complex supported on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles modified with S-benzylisothiourea (Fe3O4@SiO2-SMTU-Cu): A new and efficient nanomagnetic catalyst for the synthesis of quinazolines and amides
84A review on material analysis of food safety based on fluorescence spectrum combined with artificial neural network technology
85Agriculture in Developing Countries: Cultural Differences, Vectors of Sustainable Development, Digitalization, and International Experience
86Investigation of parameters in restaurant food waste for use as poultry rations
87Assessment effects and risk of nosocomial infection and needle sticks injuries among patents and health care worker
88Deep learning versus gradient boosting machine for pan evaporation prediction
89Discharge coefficient prediction of canal radial gate using neurocomputing models: an investigation of free and submerged flow scenarios
90Effects of binary hybrid nanofluid on heat transfer and fluid flow in a triangular-corrugated channel: An experimental and numerical study
91Advanced machine learning models development for suspended sediment prediction: comparative analysis study
92The assessment of emerging data-intelligence technologies for modeling Mg+2 and SO4−2 surface water quality
93Streamflow prediction using an integrated methodology based on convolutional neural network and long short-term memory networks
94Deep Learning for Prediction of Water Quality Index Classification: Tropical Catchment Environmental Assessment
95Integration of complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with deep long short-term memory model for particulate matter concentration prediction
96Variational mode decomposition based random forest model for solar radiation forecasting: New emerging machine learning technology
97An accelerated gradient-based optimization development for multi-reservoir hydropower systems optimization
98Outdoor thermal comfort optimization through vegetation parameterization: Species and tree layout
99Investigation into the permeability and strength of pervious geopolymer concrete containing coated biomass aggregate material
100Improving streamflow prediction using a new hybrid ELM model combined with hybrid particle swarm optimization and grey wolf optimization
101Exploring the exhaust emission and efficiency of algal biodiesel powered compression ignition engine: Application of box–behnken and desirability based multi‐objective response surface methodology
102Functionalization of remote sensing and on-site data for simulating surface water dissolved oxygen: Development of hybrid tree-based artificial intelligence models
103Solving the pan evaporation process complexity using the development of multiple mode of neurocomputing models
104An insight into machine learning models era in simulating soil, water bodies and adsorption heavy metals: Review, challenges and solutions
105Prediction of copper ions adsorption by attapulgite adsorbent using tuned-artificial intelligence model
106River water level prediction in coastal catchment using hybridized relevance vector machine model with improved grasshopper optimization
107SnO2:Au/Carbon Quantum Dots Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity
108Modeling soil temperature using air temperature features in diverse climatic conditions with complementary machine learning models
109Dual Water Choices: The Assessment of the Influential Factors on Water Sources Choices Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Market Basket Analysis
110Artificial intelligence models for suspended river sediment prediction: state-of-the art, modeling framework appraisal, and proposed future research directions
111Daily scale river flow simulation: hybridized fuzzy logic model with metaheuristic algorithms
112Estimation of natural streams longitudinal dispersion coefficient using hybrid evolutionary machine learning model
113Proposition of New Ensemble Data-Intelligence Models for Surface Water Quality Prediction
114Improving daily stochastic stream flow prediction: comparison of novel hybrid data-mining algorithms
115Financing Sustainable Development Amid the Crisis of 2020. A Research Note
116On the investigation of COVID-19 lockdown influence on air pollution concentration: regional investigation over eighteen provinces in Iraq
117Multi-objectives ant colony system for solving multi-objectives capacitated vehicle routing problem
118A new local adsorbent for the removal of toxic metals from industrial wastewater
119Evaluating the Distribution of Health Services in Nasiriyah City by Utilizing Geomatics Techniques
120Sustainable tourism planning (case study of Al-Manar City - Republic of Iraq) study of potentials and means of development
121Continuous flow adsorption for phenol removal using environmentally friendly naturally derived bed
122Comparative study between summer and winter of selected Heavy elements in water, sediment and two species of aquatic plants collection from Al-Gharraf River near Al- Gharraf oil field- Thi-Qar province - Iraq
123Cancer Risk Assailments Due to Inhale Lead Fly Ash by People in Wasit Governorate - Iraq
124Measurements The Concentration of Heavy Elements in Soil and Irrigation Water for Wheat Farms in Wasit Governorate


عدد الزوار اليوم : 3379 زائر
عدد الزوار الكلي : 11384361 زائر