SDG In (AUIQ) 7- الطاقة النظيفة

Al -Ayen University Articles on the Sustainable Development Goal (7-Affordable and clean energy)
No. Title 
1Survey of ground beetles inhabiting agricultural crops in south-east Kazakhstan [Levantamento de besouros terrestres que habitam plantações agrícolas no sudeste do Cazaquistão]
2Deep clustering of cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning to optimize multi chiller HVAC systems for smart buildings energy management
3Prediction of hydropower generation via machine learning algorithms at three Gorges Dam, China
4Quantum capacitance of iron metal doped boron carbide monolayer-based for supercapacitors electrodes: A DFT study
5Modeling and Optimizing the Charge of Electric Vehicles with Genetic Algorithm in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
6Electrochemical sensors of cardiovascular drug–plavix on hexagonal Ce3+/NiO nanodisks modified screen-printed electrode
7Design a promising non-precious electro-catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells
8Leveraging microalgae utilization for anthropogenic CO2 emission abatement in Malaysian urban centre: Revisiting the sustainable development goal (SDG-13)
9Degradation of amoxicillin under a UV or visible light photocatalytic treatment process using Fe2O3/bentonite/TiO2: Performance, kinetic, degradation pathway, energy consumption, and toxicology studies
10Influence of water based binary composite nanofluids on thermal performance of solar thermal technologies: sustainability assessments
11An integrated GIS-based multivariate adaptive regression splines-cat swarm optimization for improving the accuracy of wildfire susceptibility mapping
12Levofloxacin Adsorption onto MWCNTs/CoFe2O4 Nanocomposites: Mechanism, and Modeling Using Non-Linear Kinetics and Isotherm Equations
13Environmental Impacts of the Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the Context of Globalization
14Numerical and experimental evaluation of thermal enhancement using zinc nano-suspensions in a square flow passage
15Application of machine learning in rapid analysis of solder joint geometry and type on thermomechanical useful lifetime of electronic components
16Swapping of optical vorticity in a three-level coherent media
17ZnO nanostructure synthesis for the photocatalytic degradation of azo dye methyl orange from aqueous solutions utilizing activated carbon
18Hybrid wavelet-gene expression programming and wavelet-support vector machine models for rainfall-runoff modeling
19How the government and private sectors in Egypt contribute to the country's environmental issues (An environmental economic approach)
20Design a Mathematical Planning Approach to Optimize the Supply Chain Taking Into Account Uncertainties In Distributors
21Effects of Various Irrigation Levels and Biochar-Based Fertilizers on Peanut Production
22A hybrid numerical/machine learning model development to improve the bimetal performance in the electric circuit breakers
23Effect of Training Sessions on Awareness, Disease Management, and Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
24An improved adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system model using conjoined metaheuristic algorithms for electrical conductivity prediction
25An efficient and durable bifunctional electrocatalyst based on SnO2/CNT toward electrocatalytic full water splitting
26Application of the ANOVA method in the optimization of a thermoelectric cooler-based dehumidification system
27Chitosan/Carbon-Doped TiO2 Composite for Adsorption of Two Anionic Dyes in Solution and Gaseous SO2 Capture: Experimental Modeling and Optimization
28Modification optical properties of TiO2 nanostructure as solar cell
29Design of low-energy buildings in densely populated urban areas based on IoT
30Thermal effectiveness of solar collector using Graphene nanostructures suspended in ethylene glycol–water mixtures
31Detection of abemaciclib, an anti-breast cancer agent, using a new electrochemical DNA biosensor
32The effect of hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces on the thermal and atomic behavior of ammonia/copper nanofluid using molecular dynamics simulation
33Application of novel Fe3O4/Zn-metal organic framework magnetic nanostructures as an antimicrobial agent and magnetic nanocatalyst in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
34MXene/metal and polymer nanocomposites: Preparation, properties, and applications
35Mechanical properties of concrete containing recycled aggregate from construction waste
36Theoretical analysis for miscellaneous soliton waves in metamaterials model by modification of analytical solutions
37Polymeric nanocomposite membranes for gas separation: Performance, applications, restrictions and future perspectives
38Investigating the relationship between land alteration and the urban heat island of Seville city using multi-temporal Landsat data
39Mesoporous high-surface-area activated carbon from biomass waste via microwave-assisted-H3PO4 activation for methylene blue dye adsorption: An optimized process
40Multi-step daily forecasting of reference evapotranspiration for different climates of India: A modern multivariate complementary technique reinforced with ridge regression feature selection
41The effect of green belt as an environmentally friendly approach on energy consumption reduction in buildings
42Synthesis of efficient cobalt–metal organic framework as reusable nanocatalyst in the synthesis of new 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives with antioxidant activity
43Optimizing the Complex Systems Reliability Using Mixed Strategy in Ultra-fast Gas Turbine Protection System
44Adaptive Reactive Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator By using GWO Algorithm
45Assessment of Urban Green Space Dynamics Influencing the Surface Urban Heat Stress Using Advanced Geospatial Techniques
46New material for addressing charge transport issue in DSSCs: Composite WS2/MoS2 high porosity counter electrodes
47Forecasting Daily Flood Water Level Using Hybrid Advanced Machine Learning Based Time-Varying Filtered Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach
48SDN-assisted technique for traffic control and information execution in vehicular adhoc networks
49An innovative clustering technique to generate hybrid modeling of cooling coils for energy analysis: A case study for control performance in HVAC systems
50Earth skin temperature long-term prediction using novel extended Kalman filter integrated with Artificial Intelligence models and information gain feature selection
51Multi-strategy Slime Mould Algorithm for hydropower multi-reservoir systems optimization
52Households’ perceptions and socio-economic determinants of climate change awareness: Evidence from Selangor Coast Malaysia
53Efficient Heat Transfer Augmentation in Channels with Semicircle Ribs and Hybrid Al2O3-Cu/Water Nanofluids
54Graphene and carbon structures and nanomaterials for energy storage
55Investigation of recent progress in metal-based materials as catalysts toward electrochemical water splitting
56Rock-Wettability Impact on CO2-Carbonate Rock Interaction and the Attendant Effects on CO2Storage in Carbonate Reservoirs
57Effects of short-term exposure to the heavy metal, nickel chloride (Nicl2) on gill histology and osmoregulation components of the gray mullet, Mugil cephalus
58Evaluating the potential of graphene-like boron nitride as a promising cathode for Mg-ion batteries
59Forecasting weekly reference evapotranspiration using Auto Encoder Decoder Bidirectional LSTM model hybridized with a Boruta-CatBoost input optimizer
60Surface water sodium (Na+) concentration prediction using hybrid weighted exponential regression model with gradient-based optimization
61Groundwater level prediction using machine learning models: A comprehensive review
62Synthesis and Characterization of CoFe2 O4 Nanoparticles and Its Application in Removal of Reactive Violet 5 from Water
63Natural Time Series Parameters Forecasting: Validation of the Pattern-Sequence-Based Forecasting (PSF) Algorithm; A New Python Package
64Effect of land use land cover changes on land surface temperature during 1984–2020: a case study of Baghdad city using landsat image
65Predictability performance enhancement for suspended sediment in rivers: Inspection of newly developed hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy system model
66Comprehensive comparison of various machine learning algorithms for short-term ozone concentration prediction
67Emerging optical and electrochemical biosensing approaches for detection of ciprofloxacin residues in food and environment samples: A comprehensive overview
68Determinants of Financial Performance: A Case from Oil and Gas Companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange
69Thermal and Hydraulic Performances of Carbon and Metallic Oxides-Based Nanomaterials
70Prediction of molecular diffusivity of organic molecules based on group contribution with tree optimization and SVM models
71Dynamics analysis of a novel hybrid deep clustering for unsupervised learning by reinforcement of multi-agent to energy saving in intelligent buildings
72Investigation of the Geotechnical Properties and Estimation of the Relative Density from the Standard Penetration Test in Sandy Soils (Case Study: North East of Iran)
73Temporal dynamic drought interpretation of Sawa Lake: case study located at the Southern Iraqi region
74Synthesis and characterization of Co3O4 nanoparticles: Application as performing anode in Li-ion batteries
75Optimization and design of machine learning computational technique for prediction of physical separation process
76Molecular Junctions: Introduction and Physical Foundations, Nanoelectrical Conductivity and Electronic Structure and Charge Transfer in Organic Molecular Junctions
77Development of new machine learning model for streamflow prediction: case studies in Pakistan
78Implementation of AdaBoost and genetic algorithm machine learning models in prediction of adsorption capacity of nanocomposite materials
79Mediating Role of Operational Performance in the Relationship of Total Quality Management, Green Information Technology, Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance
80Mediating Effect of Information System among the relationship of Technology Innovation, Management Innovation, and Operational Performance of Textile industry in Iraq
81ZnMoO4 Nanoparticles: Novel and Facile Synthesis, Characterization, and Photocatalytic Performance
82Multiple machine learning models for prediction of CO2 solubility in potassium and sodium based amino acid salt solutions
83Mutating fuzzy logic model with various rigorous meta-heuristic algorithms for soil moisture content estimation
84Heat transfer and hemodynamic analysis of systolic and diastolic hypertension on abdominal aortic thrombosis
85Hydrothermal and energy analysis of flat plate solar collector using copper oxide nanomaterials with different morphologies: Economic performance
86Daily scale evapotranspiration prediction over the coastal region of southwest Bangladesh: new development of artificial intelligence model
87Violation of Patent and Intellectual Property in Iraq: A Perspective of Cybercrimes
88Facile synthesis and comparative study of the enhanced photocatalytic degradation of two selected dyes by TiO2-g-C3N4 composite
89An Analysis of Urban Block Initiatives Influencing Energy Consumption and Solar Energy Absorption
90Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Respiratory Diseases and the Risk Factors Related to Cancer
91Evaluation of Structural and Thermodynamic Parameters of Dibenzothiophene Desulfurization by Carbon Nano-Filter
92Design of water supply networks for water transfer to the urban area Case study: Balikpapan city
93Recent Progress in Aptamer-Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks-Based Optical and Electrochemical Sensors for Detection of Mycotoxins
94Stress-Strain Relationships and Failure Load Analysis of Cement-Stabilized Rammed Earth under Concentric and Eccentric Loading Using Finite Element Modelling
95Optimal Energy Scheduling of Appliances in Smart Buildings Based on Economic and Technical Indices
96Modeling and optimization of the adsorptive removal of crystal violet dye by durian (Durio zibethinus) seeds powder: insight into kinetic, isotherm, thermodynamic, and adsorption mechanism
97The Impact of Knowledge-based Economy on the Economic Growth of Middle Eastern Countries
98Analyzing food production risk with Monte Carlo simulation
99Developing Smart Self Orienting Solar Tracker for Mobile PV Power Generation Systems
100Application of Vortex Generators to Remove Heat Trapped in Closed Channels
101Investigating the Effect of Priority in Customer Service in Optimizing the Hierarchical Location-Allocation of Crowded Facilities in the Framework of Queuing Systems
102Improved Fitness-Dependent Optimizer for Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem
103Multi-objective Mathematical Modeling for Scheduling Machines in Parallel with Batch Processors
104A Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for the Population-Based Transportation Network Planning
105DFT investigation of BN, AlN, and SiC fullerene sensors for arsine gas detection and removal
106Cloud computing and IoT integration for health checking system
107Evaluation of food processing with the management of food, water, and energy nexus in Baghdad, Iraq
108Magnetic nanoparticles supported zinc (II) complex (Fe3O4@SiO2-Imine/Thio-Zn(OAc)2): a green and efficient magnetically reusable zinc nanocatalyst for synthesis of nitriles via cyanation of aryl iodides
109Magnetic Nanoparticles Supported Copper Nanocomposite: A Highly Active Nanocatalyst for Synthesis of Benzothiazoles and Polyhydroquinolines
110Copper (II) complex supported on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles modified with S-benzylisothiourea (Fe3O4@SiO2-SMTU-Cu): A new and efficient nanomagnetic catalyst for the synthesis of quinazolines and amides
111Optimizing Fluid Flow Cooling in Gas Transmission Systems
112A review on material analysis of food safety based on fluorescence spectrum combined with artificial neural network technology
113A Review of High-Energy Density Lithium-Air Battery Technology: Investigating the Effect of Oxides and Nanocatalysts
114Environmental and Energy Efficiency as a Criterion for Sustainable Agriculture
115Morphological Control: Properties and Applications of Metal Nanostructures
116Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm with Crossover Operators for Feature Selection and Solving Engineering Problems
117Deep learning versus gradient boosting machine for pan evaporation prediction
118Ir-decorated gallium nitride nanotubes as a chemical sensor for recognition of mesalamine drug: a DFT study
119Effects of binary hybrid nanofluid on heat transfer and fluid flow in a triangular-corrugated channel: An experimental and numerical study
120Integration of extreme gradient boosting feature selection approach with machine learning models: application of weather relative humidity prediction
121The assessment of emerging data-intelligence technologies for modeling Mg+2 and SO4−2 surface water quality
122Synthesis, characterization and photodegradation studies of copper oxide–graphene nanocomposites
123Streamflow prediction using an integrated methodology based on convolutional neural network and long short-term memory networks
124Variational mode decomposition based random forest model for solar radiation forecasting: New emerging machine learning technology
125An accelerated gradient-based optimization development for multi-reservoir hydropower systems optimization
126Frictional pressure drop and cost savings for graphene nanoplatelets nanofluids in turbulent flow environments
127Outdoor thermal comfort optimization through vegetation parameterization: Species and tree layout
128Investigation into the permeability and strength of pervious geopolymer concrete containing coated biomass aggregate material
129Performance of the novel C-purlin tubular beams filled with recycled-lightweight concrete strengthened with CFRP sheet
130Details on the hydrothermal characteristics within a solar-channel heat-exchanger provided with staggered t-shaped baffles
131Exploring the exhaust emission and efficiency of algal biodiesel powered compression ignition engine: Application of box–behnken and desirability based multi‐objective response surface methodology
132Heat transfer and hydrodynamic properties using different metal-oxide nanostructures in horizontal concentric annular tube: An optimization study
133Statistical modeling and mechanistic pathway for methylene blue dye removal by high surface area and mesoporous grass-based activated carbon using K2CO3activator
134Simulation model for optimal operation of Dokan Dam reservoir northern of Iraq
135Modeling soil temperature using air temperature features in diverse climatic conditions with complementary machine learning models
136Experimental and theoretical analysis of energy efficiency in a flat plate solar collector using monolayer graphene nanofluids
137A Monte Carlo based solar radiation forecastability estimation
138Nanomaterial by Sol-Gel Method: Synthesis and Application
139Nano and Battery Anode: A Review
140Artificial intelligence models for suspended river sediment prediction: state-of-the art, modeling framework appraisal, and proposed future research directions
141Proposition of New Ensemble Data-Intelligence Models for Surface Water Quality Prediction
142Improving daily stochastic stream flow prediction: comparison of novel hybrid data-mining algorithms
143Efficiency of TiO2/Peroviskites/Cu2O Solar Cells with Optimal Thickness at Varying of Environment Temperature
144High Efficiency (41.85) of Br Perovskites base solar cells with ZnO and TiO2 comparable study as ETM
145Perovskite solar cells based on CH3NH3SnI3Structure
146Water Desalination Using a New Humidification-Dehumidification (HDH) Technology
عدد الزوار اليوم : 3389 زائر
عدد الزوار الكلي : 11384371 زائر