SDG In (AUIQ) 3- الصحة الجيدة والرفاهية

اليوم العالمي لطبيب الأسنان 

كرّم طلبة كلية طب الأسنان رئاسة جامعة  العين وعمادة الكلية والملاك التدريسي في كلية طب الأسنان بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لطبيب الأسنان الذي يُحتفل فيه في السادس من اذار من كل عام. وتأتي أهمية اليوم العالمي لطبيب الأسنان لتعزيز مفهوم صحة الأسنان والفم بين فئات المجتمع بأكمله وتعزيز أهمية دور طبيب الأسنان كبطل أساسي في التوعية بالعناية بصحة الفم والأسنان وإنشاء أطفال قادرين على الاهتمام والمحافظة على أسنانهم لأسنان صحية سليمة وصحة جيدة.

اليوم العالمي لطبيب الاسنان

 ورشة الاسعافات الاولية 

اقامت كلية طب الاسنان ورشة اسعافات اولية لطلبة الكلية والمنتسبين ضمن برنامج التعليم المستمر 

ورشة الاسعافات الاولية.كلية طب الاسنان

إقامة ورشة (اليقظة الدوائية في محافظة ذي قار ومساهمة كلية الصيدلة في جامعة العين في تعزيز التبليغ عن االثار الجانبية للدواء)

برعاية السيد رئيس جامعة العين األستاذ الدكتور شفيق شاكر المولى المحترم، و بإشراف السيد عميد كلية الصيدلة االستاذ المساعد الدكتور قتيبة عبدالكريم قاسم المحترم وبالتعاونُ مستمّر في الجامعة اقامت كلية الصيدلة في جامعة العين فرع الصيدالنيات مع مركز التعليم المستمر  و فرع الكيمياء الصيدالنية في يوم االثنين الموافق في 2023/3/20 ورشة عمل تحت عنوان اليقظة الدوائية في محافظة ذي قار و مساهمة كلية الصيدلة في جامعة العين في تعزيز التبليغ عن االثار الجانبية للدواء(( وذلك بالتعاون مع دائرة صحة ذي قار / قسم الصيدلة ونقابة الصي ادلة فرع ذي قار. تخلل هذه الورشة

ورشة عمل كلية الصيدلة 2 د.فضاء محمد اليقضة الدوائية

كلية الصيدلة تشارك في مهرجان مربد العين العلمي الاول

برعاية السيد رئيس جامعة العين العراقية الاستاذ الدكتور شفيق شاكر المولى المحترم، وبإشراف السيد عميد كلية الصيدلة الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور قتيبة عبد الكريم قاسم المحترم

وبتنظيم قسم النشاطات الطلابية في الكلية وبعض التدريسين وذلك توطينا لاهداف التنمية المستدامة الهدف الثالث ضمان حياة صحية وتعزيز الرفاهية للجميع في جميع الاعمار برامج

التوعية الصحية( و الهدف الرابع التعليم الجيد والهدف السابع عشر في تعزيز الشراكة من اجل تحقيق الاهداف، شاركت كلية الصيدلة جامعة العين العراقية مع كليات الجامعة الاخرى

في مهرجان مربد العين العلمي الاول الذي اقيم في حدائق متنزه الناصرية في يوم السبت الموافق 2024/3/9 حيث شارك الطلبة في عدة فعاليات منها تقديم عروض توضيحية عن عدة مواضيع علمية وتجارب عملية ذات صلة بالواقع بالاضافة الى البوسترات العلمية عن مواضيع طبية مرضية وعلاقتها بالواقع البيئي والواقع المجتمعي والعادات الغير صحية الشائعة بين الناس وكذلك الاستخدام الخاطئ لبعض االدوية بالاضافة الى توضيح التداخالات العالجية لبعض الادوية الشائعة.

مهرجان المربد العلمي الاول

مبادرة تطوعية

زيارة مشتركة لكلية الصيدلة وكلية طب االاسنان في جامعة العين العراقية الى دار المسنين في محافظة ذي قار( برعاية السيد رئيس جامعة العين العراقية األستاذ الدكتور شفيق شاكر المولى المحترم،وبتوجيه من السيد عميد كلية الصيدلة الاستاذ  المساعد الدكتور قتيبة عبدالكريم قاسم الحجاج و بأشراف وحدة النشاطات الطلابية الاصفية تجسيدا لاهداف التنمية المستدامة وتحقيقا لهدف الخدمة المجتمعية ونشر الوعي الصحي بين الفئات المختلفة ,قام وفد من اساتذة وطلبة كلية الصيدلة وبالتعاون مع كلية طب

الاسنان بزيارة الى دار المسنين في محافظة ذي قار واستطلع الوفد الحالات المرضية في الدار حيث قام اطباء الاسنان بفحصهم وتقديم المشورة لهم وترتيب مواعيد للمرضى المحتاجين رعاية خاصة في المستشفى التعليمي للجامعة ومن ناحية اخرى قدم طلبة كلية الصيدلة الورود للمسنين تعبيرا عن حبهم واحترامهم لهذه الطبقة من المجتمع كما قدموا بعض النصائح الطبية وتوفير العالجات الضرورية للمرضى

مبادرة تطوعية لدار المسنيين

كلية الصيدلة تشارك في الاسبوع العالمي للتوعية بمقاومة المضادات الحيوية

برعاية السيد رئيس جامعة العين العراقية الاستاذ الدكتور شفيق شاكر المولى المحترم، وبإشراف السيد عميد كلية الصيدلة الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور قتيبة عبد الكريم قاسم المحترم

وكذلك توطينالاهداف التنمية المستدامة الهدف الثالث ضمان حياة صحية وتعزيز الرفاهية للجميع في جميع الاعمار و الهدف السابع عشر في تعزيز الشراكة من اجل تحقيق الاهداف ،

شاركت كلية الصيدلة جامعة العين العراقية دائرة صحة ذي قار /قسم الصيدلة في الحملة السنوية لاسبوع التوعية للمضادات الحيوية في محافظة ذي قار والذي يتضمن نشر التوعية

الصحية والتعريف باستخدام األمثل للمضادات الحيوية وعدم استخدامها بإسراف بدون استشارة المختصين بهدف التوعية ونشر المنشورات والبوسترات التوعوية الخاصة بالاسبوع

عبر منصات التواصل التابعة للكلية بالاضافة الى المشاركة الميدانية لطلبة المرحلة الرابعة و الخامسة في توزيع ولصق البوسترات التوعوية على الصيدليات والتعريف بأهمية الاستخدام

الامثل للمضادات الحيوية و الدعوة إلى التعاون بين القطاعات للحفاظ على نجاعة مضادات الميكروبات. وللحد بشكل فعال من مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات، يجب على جميع القطاعات

استخدام مضادات الميكروبات بحكمة وبشكل مناسب، واتخاذ تدابير وقائية لتقليل حاالتة في التخلص من النفايات المل َّو العدوى واتباع الممارسات الجيدثة بمضادات الميكروبات.

و من الجدير بالذكر ان الاسبوع العالمي للتوعية بمقاومة مضادات الميكروبات هو حملة عالمية للتوعية بمقاومة مضادات الميكروبات وتحسين فهما، وتعزيز أفضل الممارسات بين

أصحاب المصلحة في نهج الصحة الواحدة للحد من ظهور أشكال العدوى المقاومة لألدوية ومحاصرة انتشارها. ويُحتفَل باألسبوع العالمي للتوعية بمقاومة مضادات الميكروبات في

الفترة من 18 إلى 24 تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر من كل عام.

الاسبوع العالمي للتوعية بمقاومة المضادات الحيوية

كلية الصيدلة تشارك في أسبوع السلامة الدوائية

برعاية السيد رئيس جامعة العين العراقية الاستاذ الدكتور شفيق شاكر المولى المحترم، وبإشراف السيد عميد كلية الصيدلة الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور قتيبة عبد الكريم قاسم المحترم

وكذلك توطينا لاهداف التنمية المستدامة الهدف الثالث ضمان حياة صحية وتعزيز الرفاهية للجميع في جميع الاعمار و الهدف السابع عشر في تعزيز الشراكة من اجل تحقيق الاهداف ،

شاركت كلية الصيدلة جامعة العين العراقية دائرة صحة ذي قار /قسم الصيدلة في الحملة السنوية لاسبوع السلامة الدوائية في محافظة ذي قار والذي يتضمن نشر التوعية الصحية

والتعريف بأثار  الجانبية ضمن أسبوع السلامة الدوائية "MedSafetyWeek "بهدف التوعية بالسلامة الدوائية ونشر الفيديوهات والمنشورات والبوسترات التوعوية الخاصة بالاسبوع  عبر منصات التواصل التابعة للكلية بالاضافة الى المشاركة الميدانية لطلبة المرحلة الخامسة في توزيع ولصق البوسترات التوعوية على الصيدليات والتعريف بالرابط الخاص بالمركز العراقي لليقظة الدوائية

من اجل رصد الاعراض الجانبية لمختلف الادوية  وتسجيلها خدمة لصالح المجتمع العراقي. ويشارك في هذا الاسبوع الذي يستمر منذ السادس وحتى الثاني عشر من نوفمبر، مختلف الهيئات التنظيمية للادوية وشركائهم من 88 دولة في جميع أنحاء العالم وينظمه مركز أوبسال الدولي UMC وبالتعاون مع منظمة الصحة العالمية WHO وبدعم من أعضاء التحالف الدولي لسلطات تنظيم الادويةة ICMRA وقد حصلت الجامعة وأعضاء الارتباط بالكلية من طلبة وأساتذة على شهادات تقديرية من شعبة اليقظة الدوائية في وزارة الصحة العراقية.

نشاط اسبوع السلامة الدولية

اقامة ورشة

((أسبوع السلامة الدوائية))

برعاية السيد رئيس جامعة العين الأستاذ الدكتور شفيق شاكر المولى المحترم، وبإشراف السيد عميد كلية الصيدلة الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور قتيبة عبد الكريم قاسم المحترم

وتماشيا مع اهداف التنمية المستدامة في نشر التوعية الصحية بين الشرائح المختلفة من المجتمع وبالتعاون مع مركز التعليم المُستمرّ في الجامعة استضافت كلية الصيدلة في جامعة

العين العراقية مسؤول اليقظة الدوائية في دائرة صحة ذي قار، الثلاثاء 25 تشرين الأول 2023, الدكتورة فضاء محمد مسؤولة اليقظة الدوائية في دائرة صحة ذي قار ،وحضر الورشة عميد كلية الصيدلة الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور قتيبة عبد الكريم الحجاج ومعاون العميد العلمي المدرس الدكتور مازن عبدالغني نجم و المعاون الاداري المدرس الدكتور مصطفى احمد عباس ونخبة من اعضاء الهيأة التدريسية والادارية في الكلية وشارك أيضا عدد كبير من طلبة المرحلة الخامسة . وقدمت الدكتورة فضاء محمد بشكلٍ موجز مبادئ Pharmacovigilance ونشاطات هيئة اليقظة الدوائية ثم أعلنت الدكتورة فضاء عن احياء "اسبوع السلامة ألدوائية" في ذي قار من 6-11 تشرين ألثاني 2023 والذي يتضمن حملة توعية حول الاثار ألجانبية

للدواء وكيفية ألابلاغ عنها.

ورشة عمل اسبوع السلامة الدوائية

Al -Ayen University Articles on the Sustainable Development Goal (3-Good health and well-being)
No. Title 
1Survey of ground beetles inhabiting agricultural crops in south-east Kazakhstan [Levantamento de besouros terrestres que habitam plantações agrícolas no sudeste do Cazaquistão]
2Evaluating the secondary bioactive metabolites in Geodia corticostylifera [Avaliação dos metabólitos bioativos secundários em Geodia corticostylifera]
3Agrobiological evaluations of newly introduced grapes varieties under climatic conditions of the south of Kazakhstan [Avaliações agrobiológicas de variedades de uvas recém-introduzidas sob as condições climáticas do sul do Cazaquistão]
4Study on the role of nano antibacterial materials in orthodontics (a review) [Estudo sobre o papel dos materiais nanoantibacterianos na ortodontia]
5Shining the light on mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes in breast cancer
6The emerging crosstalk between atherosclerosis-related microRNAs and Bermuda triangle of foam cells: Cholesterol influx, trafficking, and efflux
7Corrigendum to “The effects of hydrogen doping on energy state of shear bands in a Zr-based metallic glass” [Vacuum 198 (2022) 110882] (Vacuum (2022) 198, (S0042207X22000161), (10.1016/j.vacuum.2022.110882))
8Single or combined consumption of resveratrol and the probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus attenuate the effects of crowding stress on growth, immune characteristics, and antioxidant defense in the common carp, (Cyprinus carpio)
9Modeling and Optimizing the Charge of Electric Vehicles with Genetic Algorithm in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
10Investigating the effect of pregabalin on postoperative pain in non-emergency craniotomy
11Overview of the role and action mechanism of microRNA-128 in viral infections
12An intelligent model involving multi-channels spectrum patterns based features for automatic sleep stage classification
13Trade-off between breast dose and image quality using composite bismuth shields in computed tomography: A phantom study
14Electrochemical sensors of cardiovascular drug–plavix on hexagonal Ce3+/NiO nanodisks modified screen-printed electrode
15Sleep stage classification in EEG signals using the clustering approach based probability distribution features coupled with classification algorithms
16Solamen Vaillanti Mollusk Powder as an Efficient Biosorbent for Removing Cobalt Ions from Aqueous Solution: Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies
17Value of Conventional MRI, DCE-MRI, and DWI-MRI in the Discrimination of Metastatic from Non-Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Rectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study
18Leveraging microalgae utilization for anthropogenic CO2 emission abatement in Malaysian urban centre: Revisiting the sustainable development goal (SDG-13)
19Polymorphic renal transporters and cisplatin’s toxicity in urinary bladder cancer patients: current perspectives and future directions
20Degradation of amoxicillin under a UV or visible light photocatalytic treatment process using Fe2O3/bentonite/TiO2: Performance, kinetic, degradation pathway, energy consumption, and toxicology studies
21Developing a novel hybrid method based on dispersion entropy and adaptive boosting algorithm for human activity recognition
22The protective effects of quercetin on the physiological responses in malathion-exposed common carp, Cyprinus carpio
23Ultrasound-Assisted and One-Pot Synthesis of New Fe3 O4 /Mo-MOF Magnetic Nano Polymer as a Strong Antimicrobial Agent and Efficient Nanocatalyst in the Multicomponent Synthesis of Novel Pyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidines Derivatives
24Recent advances in cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) for breast cancer therapy
25The role of miR-128 in cancer development, prevention, drug resistance, and immunotherapy
26Theoretical modeling study on preparation of nanosized drugs using supercritical-based processing: Determination of solubility of Chlorothiazide in supercritical carbon dioxide
27Sol–Gel Combustion Synthesis and Study the High Frequency Dielectric Properties of Copper Ferrite Nanoparticles
28The Effect of Eucalyptus globulus Hydroalcoholic Extract on LH, FSH and Testosterone Concentrations and Sperm Morphology
29An integrated GIS-based multivariate adaptive regression splines-cat swarm optimization for improving the accuracy of wildfire susceptibility mapping
30Effect of environmental temperature on the performance of different contact lenses materials
31Environmental Impacts of the Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the Context of Globalization
32The functions and molecular mechanisms of Tribbles homolog 3 (TRIB3) implicated in the pathophysiology of cancer
33Fast Fourier Transform Coupled with Machine Learning Algorithm for K-Complexes Detection
34Design and synthesis of some new benzoylthioureido benzenesulfonamide derivatives and their analogues as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
35Periodontitis Therapy with Periodontal-derived Stem Cells (PDSCs) for Dental Tissue Regeneration
36A Hybrid Marine Predator Algorithm for Thermal-aware Routing Scheme in Wireless Body Area Networks
37Anticancer Drug-Loading Capacity of Green Synthesized Porous Magnetic Iron Nanocarrier and Cytotoxic Effects Against Human Cancer Cell Line
38An evaluation of an array of viruses and fungi in adult Lebanese patients presenting with various dental infections: A cross-sectional study
39How the government and private sectors in Egypt contribute to the country's environmental issues (An environmental economic approach)
40A Mathematical Model for the Vehicles Routing Problem with Multiple Depots, Considering the Possibility of Return Using the Tabu Search Algorithm
41Design a Mathematical Planning Approach to Optimize the Supply Chain Taking Into Account Uncertainties In Distributors
42Adsorption properties of B12N12, AlB11N12, and GaB11N12 nanostructure in gas and solvent phase for phenytoin detecting: A DFT study
43Functions and therapeutic interventions of non-coding RNAs associated with TLR signaling pathway in atherosclerosis
44Protective effects of summer savory (Satureja hortensis) oil on growth, biochemical, and immune system performance of common carp exposed to pretilachlor herbicide
45Dispersive solid phase microextraction based on magnesium oxide nanoparticles for preconcentration of auramine O and methylene blue from water samples
46Effect of Training Sessions on Awareness, Disease Management, and Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
47Computational assessment of groundwater salinity distribution within coastal multi-aquifers of Bangladesh
48Carboxymethyl Chitosan Nano-Fibers for Controlled Releasing 5-Fluorouracil Anticancer Drug
49Metabolic reprogramming by miRNAs in the tumor microenvironment: Focused on immunometabolism
50An efficient and durable bifunctional electrocatalyst based on SnO2/CNT toward electrocatalytic full water splitting
51Mitofusin-2 in cancer: Friend or foe?
52CdO Synthesis Techniques, Morphology and some of its Application, A Review
53Design of low-energy buildings in densely populated urban areas based on IoT
54Investigating the effect of smoking on the incidence of internal diseases (A review paper)
55Detection of abemaciclib, an anti-breast cancer agent, using a new electrochemical DNA biosensor
56Application of novel Fe3O4/Zn-metal organic framework magnetic nanostructures as an antimicrobial agent and magnetic nanocatalyst in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
57MXene/metal and polymer nanocomposites: Preparation, properties, and applications
58Patient Safety Culture from Perspective of Nurses Working in ICU and CCU Wards of Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Hospital
59Psychometric Evaluation of Dictations with the Rasch Model
60Lactobacillus casei (IBRC-M 10,711) ameliorates the growth retardation, oxidative stress, and Immunosuppression induced by malathion toxicity in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
61Modulatory role of dietary curcumin and resveratrol on growth performance, serum immunity responses, mucus enzymes activity, antioxidant capacity and serum and mucus biochemicals in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio exposed to abamectin
62Effects of water shortage on food legume crops
63Theoretical analysis for miscellaneous soliton waves in metamaterials model by modification of analytical solutions
64Polymeric nanocomposite membranes for gas separation: Performance, applications, restrictions and future perspectives
65Investigating the relationship between land alteration and the urban heat island of Seville city using multi-temporal Landsat data
66The effect of flaxseed oil consumtion on blood pressure among patients with metabolic syndrome and related disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
67What is the influence of grape products on liver enzymes? A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials
68Delineation of urban expansion influences urban heat islands and natural environment using remote sensing and GIS-based in industrial area
69Ultraviolet-activated sodium perborate process (UV/SPB) for removing humic acid from water
70Roles of CCR10/CCL27–CCL28 axis in tumour development: mechanisms, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and perspectives
71Synthesis of efficient cobalt–metal organic framework as reusable nanocatalyst in the synthesis of new 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives with antioxidant activity
72Moderating role of compassion in the link between fear of Coronavirus disease and mental health among undergraduate students
73A Comprehensive Optimization Approach Based on Cloud Computing for Logistic Sharing System Planning
74Hub Location-allocation in Computer-based Networks under Disruption Using Whale Optimization Algorithm
75Medical Image Retrieval Based on Ensemble Learning using Convolutional Neural Networks and Vision Transformers
76Optimizing the Complex Systems Reliability Using Mixed Strategy in Ultra-fast Gas Turbine Protection System
77Introductory Engineering Mathematics Students’ Weighted Score Predictions Utilising a Novel Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline Model
78Assessment of Urban Green Space Dynamics Influencing the Surface Urban Heat Stress Using Advanced Geospatial Techniques
79Potential application of AlP nanosheet semiconductor in the detection of toxic phosgene, thiophosgene, and formaldehyde gases
80Forecasting Daily Flood Water Level Using Hybrid Advanced Machine Learning Based Time-Varying Filtered Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach
81Developing a robust model to predict depth of anesthesia from single channel EEG signal
82The emerging role of 27-hydroxycholesterol in cancer development and progression: An update
83The Association of Serum Calcium and Vitamin D with Insulin Resistance and Beta-Cell Dysfunction among People with Type 2 Diabetes
84The emerging role of microbiota-derived short-chain fatty acids in immunometabolism
85Households’ perceptions and socio-economic determinants of climate change awareness: Evidence from Selangor Coast Malaysia
86Effects of Irrigation Method and Water Flow Rate on Irrigation Performance, Soil Salinity, Yield, and Water Productivity of Cauliflower
87Alendronate reinforced polycaprolactone-gelatin-graphene oxide: A promising nanofibrous scaffolds with controlled drug release
88Graphene and carbon structures and nanomaterials for energy storage
89A comprehensive review on pulsed laser deposition technique to effective nanostructure production: trends and challenges
90Effect of tomato consumption on inflammatory markers in health and disease status: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
91Effects of short-term exposure to the heavy metal, nickel chloride (Nicl2) on gill histology and osmoregulation components of the gray mullet, Mugil cephalus
92Evaluating the potential of graphene-like boron nitride as a promising cathode for Mg-ion batteries
93Synthesis of Bioactive Yttrium-Metal–Organic Framework as Efficient Nanocatalyst in Synthesis of Novel Pyrazolopyranopyrimidine Derivatives and Evaluation of Anticancer Activity
94Evaluation of the antioxidant properties of microalgae naturally isolated from Mediterranean Morocco
95Optimized Green Extraction of Polyphenols from Cassia javanica L. Petals for Their Application in Sunflower Oil: Anticancer and Antioxidant Properties
96Detection of Salmonella spp. By Traditional and PCR Assays in Raw Milk, Maysan, Iraq
97Optimized video internet of things using elliptic curve cryptography based encryption and decryption
98Protective effects of dietary Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) essential oil against Malathion-induced toxicity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
99Surface water sodium (Na+) concentration prediction using hybrid weighted exponential regression model with gradient-based optimization
100An Investigation of the Effect of Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Use on Male Infertility
101Diagnostic role of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in differentiating breast lesions
102Evaluation of the outcomes of using iliac bone graft for reconstruction of traumatic orbital floor fractures
103Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale-12: Psychometric Properties of This Construct Among Iranian Undergraduate Students
104Groundwater level prediction using machine learning models: A comprehensive review
105Synthesis and Characterization of CoFe2 O4 Nanoparticles and Its Application in Removal of Reactive Violet 5 from Water
106The effect of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on oxidative stress markers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
107Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-modified graphene oxide-reinforced polycaprolactone–gelatin nanofiber scaffolds for application in bone tissue engineering
108Physical properties of PEG coated Y doped ZnO nanoparticles and their potential as high gamma dose thermoluminescence material
109Cytotoxicity evaluation of environmentally friendly synthesis Copper/Zinc bimetallic nanoparticles on MCF-7 cancer cells
110Dietary Dracocephalum kotschyi essential oil improved growth, haematology, immunity and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
111The impact of climate change on land degradation along with shoreline migration in Ghoramara Island, India
112Effect of land use land cover changes on land surface temperature during 1984–2020: a case study of Baghdad city using landsat image
113Predictability performance enhancement for suspended sediment in rivers: Inspection of newly developed hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy system model
114Comprehensive comparison of various machine learning algorithms for short-term ozone concentration prediction
115Emerging optical and electrochemical biosensing approaches for detection of ciprofloxacin residues in food and environment samples: A comprehensive overview
116Presence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Dairy Farms located in Najaf, Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Erbil, Iraq
117Evaluating the Level of Serum IL-23 in Brucellosis Infection by ELISA and Investigating its Relationship in Cases with Failure to Respond to Treatment
118Ovine Pasteurellosis Vaccine: Assessment of the Protective Antibody Titer and Recognition of the Prevailing Serotypes
119Investigation of in vitro Cytotoxicity of Chelidonium majus against Leishmania Major
120The Potential Benefits of Legumes Germ and Cereal Grains on Roosters' Reproductive Performance
121The effects of initial rejuvenation on the cold joining behavior of Cu60Zr40 metallic glass
122Preparation of antibacterial Gel/PCL nanofibers reinforced by dicalcium phosphate-modified graphene oxide with control release of clindamycin for possible application in bone tissue engineering
123Prediction of molecular diffusivity of organic molecules based on group contribution with tree optimization and SVM models
124Application of extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells as potential therapeutic tools in autoimmune and rheumatic diseases
125Integrative artificial intelligence models for Australian coastal sediment lead prediction: An investigation of in-situ measurements and meteorological parameters effects
126History of Traditional Chinese Medicine
127Application of aluminum nitride nanotubes as a promising nanocarriers for anticancer drug 5-aminosalicylic acid in drug delivery system
128Transfer hydrogenation of nitroarenes using cellulose filter paper-supported Pd/C by filtration as well as sealed methods
129Role Silver and Bimetallic Nano Particles Synthesized by Green Chemical Methods for their Therapeutic Potential for Cancer: A Review
130Enhancement of Ciprofloxacin Activity against Uropathogenic Bacteria by Synergistic Effect of Purified Bacteriocin from Staphylococcus epidermidis
131Molecular Identification of Cystoisospora Belli in Patients Infected with the Virus Human Immunodeficiency
132Blood Hemolytic Activity and Acute Toxicity of Saponins extract from Lepudium aucheri Boiss.
133The Correlation of BMI and Age to Some Hormonal Indices in Iraqi Women with the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
134Optimization and design of machine learning computational technique for prediction of physical separation process
135Molecular Junctions: Introduction and Physical Foundations, Nanoelectrical Conductivity and Electronic Structure and Charge Transfer in Organic Molecular Junctions
136The effects of hydrogen doping on energy state of shear bands in a Zr-Based metallic glass
137Extracting epileptic features in EEGs using a dual-tree complex wavelet transform coupled with a classification algorithm
138Recent advances in biosensor devices for HER-2 cancer biomarker detection
139Mediating Role of Operational Performance in the Relationship of Total Quality Management, Green Information Technology, Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance
140Moderating Role of Relationship Quality among the Association of Perceived Service Quality, Perceived Value, Perceived Risk and Purchase IT Outsourcing Intention
141Noise reduction and mammography image segmentation optimization with novel QIMFT-SSA method
142River water turbidity removal using new natural coagulant aids: case study of Euphrates River, Iraq
143Green synthesis of RGO-ZnO mediated Ocimum basilicum leaves extract nanocomposite for antioxidant, antibacterial, antidiabetic and photocatalytic activity
144Quantum chemical study the interaction between thiotepa drug and silicon doped graphdiyne
145A new insight for real-time wastewater quality prediction using hybridized kernel-based extreme learning machines with advanced optimization algorithms
146Texture analysis based graph approach for automatic detection of neonatal seizure from multi-channel EEG signals
147The role of amino acid functionalization for improvement of adsorption Thioguanine anticancer drugs on the boron nitride nanotubes for drug delivery
148An Eigenvalues-Based Covariance Matrix Bootstrap Model Integrated With Support Vector Machines for Multichannel EEG Signals Analysis
149Prediction of Successful Induction of Labor using Ultrasonic Fetal Parameters
150Heat transfer and hemodynamic analysis of systolic and diastolic hypertension on abdominal aortic thrombosis
152Daily scale evapotranspiration prediction over the coastal region of southwest Bangladesh: new development of artificial intelligence model
153Double chelation of Iron through dimer formation of favipiravir: Density functional theory analysis
154Violation of Patent and Intellectual Property in Iraq: A Perspective of Cybercrimes
155Cyberbullying of Household Women in Iraq: A Critical View for Prohibition of Violence
156Investigation ways of causes needle sticks injuries, risk factors affecting on health and ways to preventive
157Evaluation of the total antioxidant capacity of Oliveria decumbens and Capparis spinosa
158Impact of strength exercises on the level of performance of male discus throwers of the F40 category
159The effect of using e-learning technology in learning the skill of clean and jerk in students of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
160Analysis of physical exercises to improve physical abilities and shooting in young basketball players
161Optimal preparation time in the vermicompost production process
162Dietary Thymol Improved Growth, Body Composition, Digestive Enzyme Activities, Hematology, Immunity, Antioxidant Defense, and Resistance to Streptococcus iniae in the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
163Smartphone-Facilitated Mobile Colorimetric Probes for Rapid Monitoring of Chemical Contaminations in Food: Advances and Outlook
164Plant secondary metabolites as defenses: A review
165Advances in Biosensing of Chemical Food Contaminants Based on the MOFs-Graphene Nanohybrids
166Analysis of Semi-Rigid Pleuroscope in Thi-Qar Province
167Moderating Effect of Career Trait Anxiety between the relationship of Career Exploration and Career Indecision among the Youngsters: A study on Iraq Universities
168Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Respiratory Diseases and the Risk Factors Related to Cancer
169Research Study on Relation between Age and Bone Mineral Density
170Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Properties of Soil Samples in Waste Disposal Site, Suq Al-Shyokh, Iraq
171Relationship between Gene Polymorphism of Vitamin D Receptor with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Baghdad Province /Iraq
172A Unified Objective Ant Colony Optimization for Sentiment Oriented Text Summarazation
173Analyze Urban Area Density As A Measure of Urban Reconstruction
174Petrographic study of Injana Formation in selected areas in Iraq
175The Proposal of Equations Fitting for Maximum Nuclear Stopping Power Contribution of Incident Lithium in Some Different Elements
176Burnout among Nursing Workers Who Provide Nursing Care for People Infected with COVID-19
177Effect of the Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT) Peripheral Dose on the Nipple Region of the Opposite Breast of the Obese Cancer Patients
178Oil Spill Segmentation from SAR Images Using Deep Neural Networks
179Interleukin_4 gene polymorphisms and connect with asthma patients province of Thi-Qar /Iraq
180Clinical Study of Serum Gamma- Glutamyl Levels in Cigarette Smokers with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Governorate - Iraq
181Total Petroleum System Study of Nahr Umr Oil field Southern Iraq
182Enhancing E-learning Quality by Examining the Effects of Key Factors in Iraqi Higher Education Institutions
183Effect of Gamma Radiation and Borax on Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol and Chitosan Blend Film
184Intraoperative Fluid Management for Major Neurosurgery: Narrative study
185Correlation of Polyomaviruses (PyV) Infection with the Incidence of Breast Cancer in Iraqi Women
186Genetic Diagnosis of Entamoeba Histolytica in Patients with Acute Diarrhea in AL-Rifai City/Thi-Qar province
187Detection of Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia Coli among Other Bacterial Species Isolated from Children Patients by Automated Methods and Culture based Techniques
188Study the Effect of Axial Heat Conduction in Microchannel Heat Exchanger with Different Channels Geometries
189Determining the parameters of noise pollution in the central area of the Almaty city in Kazakhstan
190Efficient Time-Sensitive Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (ETSRP)
191Identification of Candida Krusei by 18S rRNA Gene and Investigation of SAP1 Gene in Samples Isolated from Female Genital Tract Infection
192Role of Nitric Oxide and some Antioxidants in Women with Pregnancy-induced Hypertension
193ECG Signals Classification Model Based on Frequency Domain Features Coupled with Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM)
194Ferritin level and blood parameters in patients with hypertension and diabetes
195Evaluation of Structural and Thermodynamic Parameters of Dibenzothiophene Desulfurization by Carbon Nano-Filter
196Intramolecular Cascade C–S Bond Formation: A Safe and New Strategy for the Synthesis of Riluzole Analogues Catalyzed by K2S2O8
197Effects of Dietary Pectin and Lactobacillus salivarius ATCC 11741 on Growth Performance, Immunocompetence, Gut Microbiota, Antioxidant Capacity, and Disease Resistance in Narrow-Clawed Crayfish, Postantacus leptodactylus
198Oil Spill Detection based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning: A Review
199Effects of global warming on insect behaviour in agriculture
200Recent Progress in Aptamer-Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks-Based Optical and Electrochemical Sensors for Detection of Mycotoxins
201Noise pollution in rail transport. Case study: Baghdad subway
202In-vitro evaluation of anticancer activity of natural flavonoids, apigenin and hesperidin
203Design and synthesis of some new benzoylthioureido phenyl derivatives targeting carbonic anhydrase enzymes
204Optimal Energy Scheduling of Appliances in Smart Buildings Based on Economic and Technical Indices
205Investigating the effect of garlic (Allium sativum) essential oil on foodborne pathogenic microorganisms
206Evaluate the Development of Medical Tourism by Cognitive Mapping Technique
207Aptamer Based Nanoprobes for Detection of Foodborne Virus in Food and Environment Samples: Recent Progress and Challenges
208The Impact of Knowledge-based Economy on the Economic Growth of Middle Eastern Countries
209Analyzing food production risk with Monte Carlo simulation
210Developing Smart Self Orienting Solar Tracker for Mobile PV Power Generation Systems
211Evaluating the hydrophilic antioxidant capacity in different citrus genotypes
212Application of Vortex Generators to Remove Heat Trapped in Closed Channels
214The deciphering of the immune cells and marker signature in COVID-19 pathogenesis: An update
215Development of New Control Charts to Monitor Product Failure Times with Normal and Log Normal Distributions
216Investigating the Effect of Priority in Customer Service in Optimizing the Hierarchical Location-Allocation of Crowded Facilities in the Framework of Queuing Systems
217A Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for the Population-Based Transportation Network Planning
218Smartphone-Based Techniques Using Carbon Dot Nanomaterials for Food Safety Analysis
219Investigating the effect of Islamic values on citizenship behaviours of Muslim citizens
220An Investigation for Heavy Metals' Contamination in Farmers' Fingernails: Case Study in Libya
221Zinc (II) complex immobilized on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles modified with phenanthroline: A novel and efficient nanomagnetic reusable catalyst for cross-coupling reaction of aryl iodides with terminal aromatic alkynes
222Investigating the Effect of Using Game-Based Learning on EFL Learners' Motivation and Anxiety
223The impact of Islamic work ethics on organisational culture among Muslim staff
224Overview of risk factors in the use of antihypertensive biomaterials drugs in medical prescriptions
225Study Effect of Nitro group on Some Properties Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Anthracene; Phenanthrene)
226Image Classification Schemes for Statistical Moments of Wavelet and Gradient Matrix
227A Mixed Hierarchical Topology To Ameliorate The Efficiency Of Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
228A GIS-based Network Analysis for Truck Vehicles in Baghdad's City Road Network
229Study on herbicide residues in soybean processing based on UPLC-MS/MS detection
230Integration of Multiple Models with Hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm for Soil Cation-Exchange Capacity Prediction
231In-vitro evaluation of anticancer activity of natural flavonoids, apigenin and hesperidin
232The isolation characterization and assessment of bioactive flavonoid with special reference to anti-arthritic activity
233Investigating fullerene-oxide nanostructure as an adsorbent of ammonia: Complexation efficiency by density functional theory
234Removal of heavy metals using food industry waste as a cheap adsorbent
235The role of fat-producing yeasts in reducing food industry waste
236On the Dynamics of a Viscoelastic Fluid-Conveying Nanotube
237Optimizing Fluid Flow Cooling in Gas Transmission Systems
238High School Students' Attitudes towards E-Learning and Impacts of Online Instruction on Their General English Learning: Challenges and Issues
239Spectrophotometric determination of folic acid using 1,10- phenanthroline materials with ninhydrin reagent
240A review on material analysis of food safety based on fluorescence spectrum combined with artificial neural network technology
241Scrutinizing the Effects of e-Learning on Enhancing EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension and Reading Motivation
242An Empirical Study on the Effects of Using Kahoot as a Game-Based Learning Tool on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Recall and Retention
243Morphological Control: Properties and Applications of Metal Nanostructures
244Determination of the antioxidant and mineral contents of raspberry varieties
245Investigation of parameters in restaurant food waste for use as poultry rations
246Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density, Serum Osteocalcin, and Osteopontin Levels in Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, with/without Osteoporosis
247Assessment effects and risk of nosocomial infection and needle sticks injuries among patents and health care worker
248Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm with Crossover Operators for Feature Selection and Solving Engineering Problems
249Ir-decorated gallium nitride nanotubes as a chemical sensor for recognition of mesalamine drug: a DFT study
250Determinant of Covariance Matrix Model Coupled with AdaBoost Classification Algorithm for EEG Seizure Detection
251Fractal fractional derivative on chemistry kinetics hires problem
252The assessment of emerging data-intelligence technologies for modeling Mg+2 and SO4−2 surface water quality
253Alpha-1antitrypsin in pre-eclampsia; from a clinical perspective
254Advanced binder-free electrode based on cuco2o4 nanowires coated with polypyrrole layer as a high-performance nonenzymatic glucose sensing platform
255Streamflow prediction using an integrated methodology based on convolutional neural network and long short-term memory networks
256Integration of complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with deep long short-term memory model for particulate matter concentration prediction
257Variational mode decomposition based random forest model for solar radiation forecasting: New emerging machine learning technology
258Influence of different rotations of organic formamidinium molecule on electronic and optical properties of FAPbBr3 perovskite
259Outdoor thermal comfort optimization through vegetation parameterization: Species and tree layout
260Computational study for the conformable nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic–quintic–septic nonlinearities
261Improving streamflow prediction using a new hybrid ELM model combined with hybrid particle swarm optimization and grey wolf optimization
262Several integral inequalities of hermite–hadamard type related to k-fractional conformable integral operators
263An intelligent evolutionary extreme gradient boosting algorithm development for modeling scour depths under submerged weir
267An insight into machine learning models era in simulating soil, water bodies and adsorption heavy metals: Review, challenges and solutions
268Prediction of copper ions adsorption by attapulgite adsorbent using tuned-artificial intelligence model
269The effects of oxygen–ozone therapy on regulatory T-cell responses in multiple sclerosis patients
270SnO2:Au/Carbon Quantum Dots Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity
271In-vivo and in-vitro evaluation for memory enhancing activity of some isoflavonoids by suitable animal models
272Lower Serum Irisin Levels Are Associated with Increased Osteoporosis and Oxidative Stress in Postmenopausal
273To operate or to wait? Doppler indices as predictors for medical termination for first trimester missed abortion
274MnCo2O4/Co3O4 Nanocomposites: Microwave-Assisted Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Performance
275Nanomaterial by Sol-Gel Method: Synthesis and Application
276A Novel Alcoholic EEG Signals Classification Approach Based on AdaBoost k-means Coupled with Statistical Model
277The Value of Serum Adiponectin in Osteoporotic Women: Does Weight Have an Effect?
278Synthesis of heterocycles from propargylamines
279Use of Organic and Copper-Based Nanoparticles on the Turbulator Installment in a Shell Tube Heat Exchanger: A CFD-Based Simulation Approach by Using Nanofluids
280Dual Water Choices: The Assessment of the Influential Factors on Water Sources Choices Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Market Basket Analysis
281Artificial intelligence models for suspended river sediment prediction: state-of-the art, modeling framework appraisal, and proposed future research directions
282Modern chromatographic method for estimating Loratadine and affections on healthcare
283The effect of green tea extract and metformin on diabetic mellitus induce in male rats
284Proposition of New Ensemble Data-Intelligence Models for Surface Water Quality Prediction
285On the investigation of COVID-19 lockdown influence on air pollution concentration: regional investigation over eighteen provinces in Iraq
286CXC chemokine ligand 16: A Swiss army knife chemokine in cancer
287Stature estimation by four lateral cephalometric parameters: Study from a sample of syrian population
288Synthesis, antimicrobial, antioxidant and structural studies of some new sulfa drug containing an azo-azomethine group
289Evaluating the Distribution of Health Services in Nasiriyah City by Utilizing Geomatics Techniques
290Histomorphometric evaluation of the effects of local application of red clover oil (Trifolium pratense) on bone healing in rats
291Measurement of Radioactive Potassium-40 to Specify Potassium Element in Wheat and Its Derivatives for Wasit Governorate - Iraq
292Image Classification Schemes Based on Gradient Matrix and Contrast Matrices
293The effect of hyperglycemia on osmolality in the Thi-Qar Governorate patients
294Cancer Risk Assailments Due to Inhale Lead Fly Ash by People in Wasit Governorate - Iraq
295Effect of some bioactive flavonoids on lysosomal
297The effects of Irisin on the transforming growth factorbeta1(TGF-β1) level in type-1 diabetic patients in thiqar province
298Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of rotavirus in children suffered from diarrhea under five years old in Thi-Qar Province, of Iraq
299Expression of (CD105) and (VEGF-R3) in dermoidcyst
300Effect of application of multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on implant
301Therapeutic effects of black seed oil supplementation on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A randomized controlled double blind clinical trial
302Frequency of micronuclei and apoptosis in exfoliated buccal cells in chronic inflammation of oral mucosa
303Isolation and diagnosis of some bacteria that cause urinary tract infection and the effect of some antibiotics on them in nasiriyah in the shattera general hospital
304Study the association between coronavirus (COVID-19) and asthma in Thi-Qar Province/ Iraq
305Physiological study for the effects of tramadol on the kidneys and liver in male laboratory mice
306Measurements The Concentration of Heavy Elements in Soil and Irrigation Water for Wheat Farms in Wasit Governorate
307Estimating the Concentration of Heavy Elements in Some Types of Imported and Local Wheat Flour used in Bakeries of Wasit Governorate
308Rules of pediatric fluid therapy: Non-systematic review
309Fluid therapy for major abdominal surgery: A narrative review
310Case report of a rare complication of tracheostomy tube in intensive care unit
311The incidence of postoperative sore throat after local application of different lidocaine forms & methods; a narrative review
312Some biochemical parameters and genetic aspect of ventricular septum defect patients in Thi-Qar province,Iraq
313Intensive care admission rate due to COVID-2109
314Identify human cluster of differentiation 147 (CD147), a new target of SARS-CoV-2 invasion
315Virulence factors of candida albicans isolated from vaginitis
316Effect of multi-wall carbon nanotubes on the microhardness of the tooth enamel
317Evaluation of using titanium mesh in the reconstruction of traumatic orbital floor fracture
318Pathological association between oxidative stress and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
319Platelet indices as predictors of fetal growth restriction in pre-eclamptic women [Índices plaquetarios como predictores de la restricción del crecimiento fetal en mujeres preeclámpticas]
320Infraclavicular brachial plexus block for upper limb surgeries in adult patients; non-systematic review
321The recent progress of sulfonamide in medicinal chemistry
322An insight into pyrazolo scaffold as anticancer
323Viral hepatitis in Dhi-Qar province: demographics and hematological characteristics of patients
324Molecular typing and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of escherichia coli isolated from patients with urinary tract infection
325Vicissitudes in cellular immune related to anti-tnf-alpha therapy, and some clinical investigation induces by infliximab in covid 19 patients
326Evaluation of lead, copper and zinc levels for autistic children in thi-qar Province/Iraq
327Study effect of sulfur containing amino acid supplementation on oxidative stress, inflammatory markers and serum lipid in relation to obese subjects
328Impact of fertilization rate on icsi outcome and pregnancy rate for unexplained subfertile couples
329Design, synthesis and molecular docking of novel pyrazolo[1,5-a][1,3,5]triazine derivatives as CDK2 inhibitors
330Fasten, simple, and specific stability of the avant-garde RP-HPLC method for estimation and validation of nystatin in pharmaceutical formulations
331Impact Metformin and Insulin Therapy on Parathyroid Hormone and 25 (OH) Vitamin D in Diabetic Post-menopausal Iraqi Women
332The role of Brain Natriuretic Peptide in evaluating Left Ventricle function among patient with chronic renal failure on maintenance hemodialysis: The impact of body mass index
333A comparison clinical study between Water-Pipe and cigarettes males smokers on serum lipid profile and blood hemoglobin concentration in the Thi-Qar governorate
334The Importance of Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Assessment Left Ventricle Function among Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease on Maintenance Hemodialysis: The Impact of the Dialysis Session
335The Annual Inhalation Radiation Effective Dose Estimations for Hookah Tobacco Smoking of Baghdad's Publics
336The effect insulin therapy and metformin on osteoporosis in diabetic post-menopausal Iraqi women
337Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial studies of some new tellurated azo compounds
338Temporomandibular Joint Orthopedics Design Using Shape and Topology Optimization
340Study of the role of polyphenolic extract of Capparis spinosa L. Leaves as acute toxicity and antibacterial agent
341To study the effect of taurine on the effects of vital bones and regulate the level of glucose in type II diabetes
342Effect of lead metal stress on antioxidant genes expression in leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. Cv. Aqmar) plants

عدد الزوار اليوم : 914 زائر
عدد الزوار الكلي : 8142997 زائر